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  • English
  • Ruby ring

    Ruby ring

    A ruby ​​ring is a ring with a ruby ​​gemstone in it. Although a ring with ruby ​​is the favorite of many women, the power is precisely in the subtle beauty of this gemstone. A ruby ​​ring can be ordered in different variants. The color of the ruby ​​can also vary from a slightly lighter color red to a darker color. Thanks to this color, a ruby ​​ring is seen as the ultimate love symbol. Do you want an ornament with which you can declare a woman's love? Then a ring with an inlaid ruby ​​is the perfect jewel.


    What is ruby?

    Ruby is one of the most expensive gems in the world. That is because the ruby ​​is very rare. Ruby that is made in an artificial way is obviously a lot less expensive. This form of ruby ​​is most common when it is put in a ring. Rubies were already appreciated by peoples from the Middle Ages and far beyond. They traded a lot in this gem that was loved by everyone.
    Even in the Bible a number of times are referred to this piece of jewelry. This shows how long ago people recognized the beauty of this 'pure' gemstone. A unique feature of the ruby ​​is the hardness. On the hardness scale of Mohs, this gemstone scores a 9. This is the hardest stone in the world, except for diamonds, together with the sapphire.