Collectie PLAIN Ultrasonic CLEAN
€ 206,00
Ultrasonic without heating, cleaning by means of sound waves, is the best and most careful way of cleaning your jewelry. Also suitable for (most) fragile jewelry.
Product description
Ultrasonic without heating, cleaning by means of sound waves, is the best and most careful way of cleaning your jewelry. Also suitable for (most) fragile jewelry.
The device is supplied with a lid and hanging basket and bracket for watches and works on 220V.
What is ultrasonic cleaning?
Ultrasonic cleaning is a very effective cleaning technique. The cleaning effect in an ultrasonic bath is created because sound waves (not perceptible to humans) are sent through the water with the cleaning fluid. This creates tens of thousands of air bubbles that, as it were, collapse due to the sound waves. These implosions result in a multitude of small currents through the cleaning fluid. These currents act like a brush and loosen the dirt from the object. The result: ultrasonic cleaning of the objects in the cleaner. This is without scratching or sanding and it reaches places that you cannot reach by hand.
- the housing is made of plastic
- NOT suitable for intensive use
- Only suitable for jewelry without precious stones
(with the exception of diamonds or jewelry with Cubic Zirconia or Swarovski stones)
- fill with (warm) water
- add some dish wash detergent (lemon) and optionally ammonia
For more tips on how to clean your jewelry, click here!
- content 0.6 Liter
- Timeclock 5 settings
- Power 40 Watt
- Heating None
- Innersize 160x110 mm.
- Outside size 210x150x140 mm.
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5 stars based on 2 reviews Create your own review
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13-05-2021 11:33
RiaIk kwam na lang zoeken over informatie met betrekking tot onderhoud van sieraden terecht op margriet Jewels en hier staat veel info daarover tevens gaf ze mij persoonlijk goed advies over het onderhoud en het behoud van mijn sieraden op aanraden van haar heb ik een ultrasoon gekocht en ik heb daar geen spijt van het is echt de makkelijkste manier om sieraden schoon te maken bedankt Margriet!
17-09-2020 11:22
IsaIk heb deze Ultrasoon onlangs gekocht bij margriet jewels (na aanraden van een vriendin van mij). En ik ben er heel tevreden over, ik draag elke dag sieraden en om de zoveel tijd maak ik mijn sieraden schoon door de ultrasoon, echt een aanrader voor iedereen die vaak sieraden draagt!
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